Veterans no longer have to travel to a VA facility for healthcare services. The Veterans Choice Program (VCP) makes it easy and convenient to claim medical assistance from a community provider.
Veteran healthcare support is a great thing, but it can be hard to come by. Unfortunately, medical providers have their limitations and it’s not uncommon for VA coverage to fall outside the scope of a private practice. This often leaves veterans searching for a medical facility that will accept their benefits. Luckily, this is going to become less of an issue now that the U.S. government has agreed to pay $2 billion to expand the VCP across the nation.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for this healthcare program, you must meet one of the following criteria:
- Your VA medical facility awards you 30 days from your next scheduled medical appointment to claim coverage.
- You live more than 40 miles away from the closest VA medical facility or a full-time primary care physician.
- You need to travel by air, boat, or ferry just to get to the closest VA medical facility.
- You face one of the following travel burdens:
- Geographic barriers
- Inclement weather
- Medical conditions
- You live in a state or territory that doesn’t have a full-service VA medical facility, hospital care, emergency service support, or a surgical care center.
If you’re still not sure whether you’re eligible to claim Veterans Choice coverage, call your local VA or visit the VCP website to schedule an appointment with an expert.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Setting up an appointment is easy. All you need to do is contact your VCP call center at 888-606-8198 and verify your eligibility. Never call a non-VA doctor.
Beneficiary Travel Support
One of the most intensive aspects of any medical procedure is the travel leading up to it. The Choice Act provides travel funding to veterans who are eligible for beneficiary travel. To earn beneficiary eligibility, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your VCP provider.
Filling Prescriptions
Veterans can get a 14-day prescription sent to any community pharmacy. Any prescription supply of more than 14 days will need to be coordinated through a VA facility. It will take 30-45 days to process these orders. Veterans need to provide a copy of their original receipts when picking up their orders.
Copayment Coverage
Veterans aren’t responsible for making co-payments to other insurers. The VA coordinates all of the benefits of the VCP. You’ll only need to cover a service copayment following your appointment with a VA medical provider. This bill will be issued immediately after medical services have been rendered.
Healthcare Interferences
The choice program has no effect on your primary VA coverage. The VCP helps make your current benefits more applicable. If you get a Veterans Choice card, you do not need to deliberate between which health plan to use. The VA put together an integrated network, which makes healthcare more accessible in different communities.
VCP Extension Laws
On April 19, 2017, changes were made to the VCP enactment law. The law removed the expiration date for the program, made the VA the primary benefits coordinator for services provided to you, and it removed barriers with sharing necessary health information with community providers.
Take Advantage of Veteran Healthcare Support
At American Veterans Care Connection, we work tirelessly to help those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. If you are a Veteran or someone caring for a Veteran, we will do whatever it takes to make your life as easy as possible. Whether it’s home healthcare or medical support, you can count on AVCC to foster the support you need.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
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